Free Banner of the Standards of Mathematical Practice

After I shared a bunch of classroom décor ideas in this post, I ended up making another decoration for my classroom: a banner of the standards of mathematical practice.

math practice standards pennant

It’s a simple black & white design that I printed on colored paper to make it pop and match the other bright colors in my room.  However, I was also thinking it could be cool to print it on white paper and have students work in groups to color the banners & add pictures to them to illustrate the meaning of each standard.  (I might do that next year – this year I’m just going to hang up the colorful version, after I reprint it – my printer is having issues right now causing everything to have streaks 🙁 )

You can download the banner FREE from my Teachers pay Teachers store!  While you’re there be sure to look around at some of the great deals today and tomorrow (August 1st & 2nd) during the big annual Back to School sale!  Everything in my store is 28% off with code BestYear.

Click the picture below to download the banner:

math practice banner cover

Some of the resources from my store that I would recommend checking out this back to school season include:





Happy shopping!

Thanks for reading,


2 thoughts on “Free Banner of the Standards of Mathematical Practice

  1. I had the Standards of Mathematical Practice hanging in my room previously, however just on colored paper. Having the creative font and decorative banner design add a bit more style. I’ve already printed them on colored paper and plan on laminating them tomorrow to display in my classroom for this year. Thank you for sharing!

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