Math Review Games for Middle School

One of the best tools a math teacher can have is a wide variety of fun review games to keep students engaged! Most middle school students are competitive by nature, so giving them the chance to compete against each other in math review games is almost guaranteeing that students will be interested, engaged, and actively participating in class. When you play the same games over and over again, though, students can lose some of the excitement they once had about the game, so it is important to mix it up.

That’s why I teamed up with my programmer husband to create several unique and engaging interactive math review games that are perfect for 1:1 classrooms and traditional classrooms alike…and you can PLAY THEM ALL FREE through August! (There are currently around 30 games available, and many more are on the way)! Simply go to the “review games” page of my website, click “play” on any game, and enter in SUMMER2017 as your Game Club code to play all of my interactive games. If you would like to use the games with your classes past August, you can purchase a 2017-2018 school year license for unlimited access to all games through June 2018. (If you would prefer to buy the games to own them forever, you can purchase each one separately from my TpT store.)

Free Math Review Games summer promo

The games that are included are:

  • Noggle: A “number boggle” type of game where you must use the numbers on the board and any operations (keeping the order of operations in mind) to create as many expressions as possible equal to the target number.
  • Attack: A game for any grade level or subject area. Split your class up into up to 5 teams and ask review questions. When a team answers correctly, they get to drop a bucket of water on other teams’ sand castles or rebuild damage done to their sand castle. The last castle standing is the winner!
  • Digit Deduction: A great whole class time-filler activity for when you have 5-10 minutes left in a period that you need to fill! A mystery number is on the board. Students use the clues (that emphasize math vocabulary terms like “product”, “hundred’s place”, etc.) to guess the number. After their guess, they learn how many digits they guessed correctly and put in the proper place and how many digits they guessed correctly, but put in the wrong place. The game continues until the correct number is guessed.
  • Divisibility Challenge: A perfect way to help students master their divisibility rules 1-10! Students are given numbers and have to check off all numbers (out of the specific divisibility rules they choose to practice) by which they are divisible.
  • Claw Machine Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): Students select questions by dropping the moving crane in the claw machine (either by clicking or tossing a koosh ball at a SMARTBoard or other interactive whiteboard that supports touch) when it is in front of the category of their choice. Award points to teams that answer correctly – right in the game!
  • Moving Targets Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): Objects move around the screen. Students toss a koosh ball at the screen to select an object and bring up a question. Score keeping is done right through the game!
  • Game Show Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): Traditional jeopardy-style review games, where you can keep score right in the game!
  • Paperless Bingo Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): Each BINGO game includes a caller app and digital bingo card app. The caller app lets the teacher randomly select and display the questions for the class to see. The bingo card app is for each student in a 1:1 classroom to generate their own unique BINGO card, on which they can play along on their own device.

Paperless Integer Addition Bingo Game



  • Dart Board Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): Students will throw koosh balls at an interactive whiteboard to bring up questions worth the point value on which their “dart” landed. The teacher can keep score for up to 5 teams.
  • Faceoff Games (on a variety of middle school math topics): This game requires that the class be broken up into two teams. Students will face off two at a time to answer multiple choice questions as fast as they can. Points are awarded to the team of the student who correctly answers their question first. This is a fast paced game that is sure to become a quick class favorite for any competitive group of students!


Again, if you would like to try out these games, you can see and play EVERY GAME for FREE this summer using code SUMMER2017.   A 2017-2018 school year license can be purchased here for $35, which will grant you access to all the games and allow you to play them as many times as you like through June 2018.  For permanent access to the games, you can purchase each one individually from my TpT store here.


If you have any suggestions for future games, I would love to hear them!


Thanks for checking them out!
~ Christina

2 thoughts on “Math Review Games for Middle School

  1. Hi can you do the free demo this summer of 2018 and purchase for throughout the 2018-2019 school year or are you not offering this again?

    1. Hi Denise,

      Yes, I will be offering the free summer promo again this year and the option to purchase for 2018-2019. That will be coming soon – within the next couple of weeks.

      Thanks for asking!
      – Christina

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